

3 easy craft ideas for parents that hate craft

I am fully qualified to write this post because, well, I hate craft. I have no patience for it and I hate the mess. I do however, understand the importance of craft in developing such qualities as fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, concentration, cognitive development and the list goes on… Body Tracing Requirements: a roll […]

Paper bowl jelly fish

Easy, peasy! Requirements: Paper bowls, paint, sticky tape/glue, scissors, eyes, ribbon, fishing line. Instructions: Paint bowls. Cut up and attach ribbons to inside of bowl. Stick eyes on underside of bowls. Attach fishing line to top of bowls to hang.   Source:

Heart mosaic

Requirements: red foam sheet, red and blue foam tiles cut into small squares (pre-cut optional), pencils, scissors, glue. Instructions: Draw a heart on the back side on the red foam sheet and cut it out. Take the (pre-cut) foam tiles and place the blue foam tiles on the outer edge of the foam heart. We […]

Paddlepop box – an oldie but a goodie!

Requirements: paddlepop sticks, wood glue, paint, paint brushes. Instructions: Paint the paddlepop sticks. Make the sides first by building the box 2 opposite sides at a time. Make the bottom by gluing paddlepop sticks side by side and make a lid too if you like!   Source:

Paper chains

Requirements: Old cards (birthday or christmas) or colour coordinated card board of your choice, scissors, stapler. Instructions: Cut up the old cards or card board in to long strips. About 3cm wide. Connect the ends and secure with staple. Thread the following through each previous loop and secure with staple. Continue until you have desired […]

Leaf Rubbing and Toe Caterpillars

Requirements: A leaf, paper, crayon, glue, scissors, paint, texta and cute toes! Instructions: Find a leaf, place it under a sheet of paper and scibble with crayon over the top of it. This will make the leaf pattern appear. Cut around the leaf and set aside. Paint some toes and press the imprint on another […]

Flat People

Requirements: Toilet paper or paper towel rolls, card/paper, textas, scissors. Instructions: Create the bases by cutting rolls in to 3cm sections and create slits on opposite sides. Create different size paper ‘window arches’ appropriate for the tall people and smaller ones for kids, pets, babies. Make sure the base is wide enough so it will […]

Cubby House Kit

This is not so much a craft activity for the kids, but a great birthday present, especially for boys. It just had to be included in this collection. Requirements: 2 flat sheets, clamps, rope, torch, glow sticks, felt, material for making the bag (or buy one), card board and a self created label to attach. […]

Basic Science Experiment

Requirements: Jars, white flowers (chrysanthemums, gerberas or carnations) and various food dye. Instructions: Fill up jars with water and food dye. Sit the flowers in the water. They will start to change colour after about an hour but best results occur over night. Don’t forget to discuss what is happening and why! Source: (an […]

Shoe Lace Practice

Requirements: Thick card board from an old box, pair of shoe laces, marker pen. Source:

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